The boot camp on “Innovations in Science” was organised organized by the Innovation Cell, MIDFT under the Student Start-up and Innovation Policy (SSIP 2.0), Govt. of Gujarat from 11th -13 Jan, 2024 with the aim of sensitising the students of the Motibhai R Chaudhary Sagar Sainik School (MRCSSS), Mehsana towards the concept of innovation and creative thinking, need for innovation and the innovations in different fields of science. The total students who participated in the camp were 56 from the sixth standard.
SSIP Co-ordinators Dr. Sheweta Mudgil and Dr. Ami Patel initially introduced the concept of innovation in science in general to the participating students. During the three days of programme, on each session taken by different faculty mentors, students were sensitized on different topics such as how to check the adulteration in food products, the importance of maintenance of personal hygiene for a healthy mind and body, innovations in engineering, the innovations in Chemistry, innovations in dairy products where students got hands on training to prepare paneer, and innovations in Environmental Science-steps that one can take to conserve the environment. On the third day, students displayed the models that they had prepared and the camp concluded with the valedictory session where the participation certificates were presented to all the students. Overall, the boot camp organised for the students was beneficial to the students and was able to sow the seed of innovation and creative thinking in their minds.